Loan Shark Arrested!
Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 12:23 PM

Police arrested a 29-year-old man for loanshark harassment yesterday afternoon in the Redhill Close housing estate.
Since early November 2009, Police had received several reports of loanshark harassments in the Redhill Close housing estate. The modus operandi for these cases were usually paint splashed on walls and/or loanshark writings.
In response, police officers from Clementi Police Division intensified their patrols and conducted numerous stake-outs in the vicinity. Their efforts eventually paid off on 28 November 2009 at about 3.30 pm , when they spotted a man behaving suspiciously outside a unit. As the officers moved in to conduct a check on the subject, he fled down the stairs but was detained after a short chase. Loansharking-related paraphernalia such as marker pens and one paint can were found in his possession and subsequently seized as case exhibits.
The suspect will be charged in Court on 30 November 2009 for loanshark harassment under the Moneylenders' Act 2008.
First-time offenders found guilty of loanshark harassment may be fined up to $40,000 or imprisoned for up to 3 years or both. They are also liable for caning if any damage was caused to any property, or harm caused to any person.
Commander of Clementi Police Division, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police (DAC) Ng Yeow Boon commended his officers for their perseverance and vigilance which resulted in the successful arrest of the suspect.